About the CCA

The Collo Community Association of the United States of America (CCA) was founded in July, 2017. It is a Public Charity – Nonprofit Organization and exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(C) (3).


About Us

Collo are a major Luo Nilotic ethnic group of South Sudan, living in the Collo Kingdom on both sides of the (Western and Eastern) White Nile River in Upper Nile state; its capital is called Pachodo, and the royal castle of the Collo King (Reth) is located there. Major cities are Malakal, Kodok, Renk, Wadakona, Melut, Tonga, Dolebhill, and Atar.


Collo’s Culture is a Culture of Dialogue & Peace (Collo-ba Dhwäng, Lwob & Mer).

Mission Statement

The Collo Community Association promotes unity, cooperation, and understanding among the Collo people in the USA, the Collo Kingdom, and the Diaspora.

Vision Statement

To inspire and empower Collo people worldwide. The CCA’S vision is to help our people improve their lives through community empowerment, and this will help the community thrive. The Collo Community Association is dedicated to the empowerment of the people of the Collo Kingdom in the United States of America to promote unity among the Collo as well as to preserve and protect our diverse cultural heritage, rich customary values, educational and socio-economic progress.

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